Anglican Communion Network

Network Info

What you need to know about the ACN

  • Core Purpose & Values
  • FAQs
  • History
  • Primates’ Statement

We are faithful

We have resolved to be faithful to Jesus Christ, whatever the cost. We are committed to the “faith once delivered to the saints.” We are faithful to the promises of Holy Scripture and the tenets of the Creeds. We are faithful as Anglican Christians. We are faithful to what the Episcopal Church has, at its best, always been: evangelical, catholic and charismatic.

We are united

We are currently ten dioceses, six convocations and the international conference stretching from coast to coast, border to border. As of January 2007, ACN dioceses and parishes count 200,000 laity and 2,200 clergy in more than 900 congregations, and the number of affiliated parishes grows weekly. We have received support throughout the Anglican Communion, including encouragement from the Archbishop of Canterbury. Fourteen leaders of the international Anglican Communion, representing 75 percent of the world’s 60 million Anglicans, have offered their recognition and pledged the full weight of their ministries to the Anglican Communion Network.

We are a missionary movement

We exist to bring the good news of Jesus Christ, as expressed in the Anglican tradition, both to those who have never heard it, and to those in our Church who have been given a “different gospel.” We are committed to missionary work and church planting in North America and throughout the world. We especially seek to support the spiritually vibrant but materially poor ministries of our fellow Anglicans in the Global South.

We invite your fellowship

Dioceses, as well as individual parishes in non—ACN dioceses, can affiliate with the ACN. Those in holy orders can also affiliate individually. Because we are “ecclesial” in nature rather than a membership organization, individual laity affiliate through their dioceses and parishes or by forming new congregations or fellowships.
